среда, 25 марта 2015 г.

Part 3

Breathe and just breathe.

Ellis silently drinking herbal tea, looking out the window and thought about something, rosemary bread prepared with sedges and roots, a little oil lying on a saucer on the table. Dwarves discussed when they go to collect firewood.
It's best to wait until midnight, 'said Ram, then go yet, so safer.
-Night Can not see anything, retorted Dick.
-Zayar Helps us.
-Guys, Do not argue, Ellis said. -I am  Elf, and before death, my father gave me a lantern for the elves. He lights and extinguishes itself when danger is near. Take it. Go to the forest and wood type. She stood up and pulled out of a bundle of long white hair a small flashlight .. She handed it to Dick and smiled.
-With it you're safe, 'said Ellis.
_Thank you, my dear savior. We'll go for firewood at the end of the forest. Zayar will stay with you, you need protection.
Rosemary nodded and turned to Ellis.
-We will wait for them here, I hope everything goes without problems.
- Rosemary, do not worry! I'm sure that everything is nothing bad will happen. Orcs will leave the forest and I find Arcturus! Rosemary shook her head and handed a bundle of food gnomes and kissed them. Ram and Dick turned and went to the door.

-God Save them -whispered Rosemary.
They are gone and the house as if dead. After a while, turned to Rosemary Ellis and asked.-Ellis, you and Arcturus has long together, and suddenly you are parted by some strange and unknown reason, he left Earth to Goryanov and did not take you, why? Ellis lowered her head for a long time chose her words ...
-Honey Aunt Rosemary, I keep a secret and it is not my secret, a mystery Arcturus, too, I can not just tell. If soldiers or orcs know about it, they would kill us.
-So That's why they were chasing you! exclaimed Rosemary - they wanted to catch you because you .... ..

Yes, because I wear a heart son of Arcturus, I should make it and give birth to me, no one has found, as long as it does not happen, I have to hide. Before leaving Arcturus said that if he died, I had to save our son.
-Here You're safe, - whispered  Rosemary, -we will hide you here, and we will take care of you. In  spring, when the time comes to be born a boy, I'll take it and then we will win!
Rosemary, how do you know that it will be in the spring? - Asked in surprise Ellis.
-Because My ancestors druids - smiled Rozmari.-You just have to be patient. I am gathering more herbs to you it was easier to walk these months and when the time comes, you will do everything easily. Alice smiled sadly. She dreamed of a wedding and family life. How will it be married to Arcturus in elven church, and then they will leave him in the lock and will live happily ever after ...

  Who knew that this is just a dream that will not come true. But no matter what Ellis decided to be firm and strong.
-I Do not think about the bad, it -said Rosemary -bad always have time to happen -Need to pray-and we pray for our men, they come back to us. Draves soon returned with firewood.
-We will come once a week to go for firewood and herbs, when winter comes, will have to burn more wood, and in the spring you see them come back all forest dwellers, 'said Ram.
-You're going to tell them? - Asked quietly, Rosemary Ellis. She nodded her head.
-Friends, Our Ellis is pregnant the heir of Arcturus, Rosemary said softly and smiled.Dwarves congratulated Woman with the event and ordered Zayar look after her.

Since last fall. In November started cold wind, and the whole earth was covered with a thick layer of leaves. Gnomes and Rosemary managed to collect forest apples and pears and also nasushit many medicinal herbs and roots. In December, the wind blew, such that even a room was cold. Rosemary linked Ellise woolen shawl with the spell of the evil eye and ordered to sit in the room. Only occasionally, when there was no wind, Ellis went out for a walk in the woods, and then, accompanied by Zayar

Days passed, and spring came. One day in April Ellis felt that the baby is ready to be born.
-Rozmari, Begins softly said Ellis.
Rosemary knew what to do. First of all, it all kicked out of the hut and closed the door tightly. Heated in a pot of water, cooked medicinal teas and opened the only window. The birds were singing and the sun peeped through the window gently. In such a beautiful day in April and appeared heir Edemus elves.
-Bozhe, What a handsome man he was, smiled happily Rosemary, yet a stalwart on Ellis, take it.
Ellis was crying from happiness, weak hands, she took her son and pressed her to his heart. Mom and kid felt cheered.
-Elllisa, You have to feed him, and then relax, 'said Rosemary.
At this time in the hut there was a thud.
Well there is still someone brought, -proburchala woman and went to open. Gnomes and ran from the doorway said that Zayar somewhere escaped. Rosemary was seriously alarmed Zayar never left them. In great excitement she ran out of the house through the trees and saw the soldiers, and in front of Zayar. It was the king of the elves Arcturus ...

Young strong man with bright green eyes and curly hair holding a sword. Glistening crown on his head elf. On the neck hung elven magic stars.
-Hello Rosemary scented WENRA and brought us here. - Said yunosha., Rosemary, I am looking for all winter Ellis and I had bad news that she was in the hands of the Orcs.
-Dear Arcturus, we saved Ellis and her child. - Happily Rosemary said and began to cry., - You can go and have a look at his son.
Do not believe these words, Arcturus fell off his horse and ran into the house, what he saw shocked him. Ellis, so delicate and fragile, lying on the bed, and beside her baby - their son Edemus.
He got down on one knee beside Ellis and hugged her. She opened her eyes and saw Arcturus and whispered, I knew that you come back, knew and waited ... Ellis smiled through her tears and kissed the baby.
-Look What our son, he will be the ruler of the elves.
-Ellisa, You are my wife all the elven laws, and I will never leave thee, - firmly said Arcturus. We will always live together, and even death do us part, because we are eternal. Our love and our eternal evotion to each other is the basic laws of love, 'said rcturus and gently kissed his wife.

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